Don't Give Your Friends the Benefit of the Doubt!
Launching Fall 2024.
Pre-orders & full site coming in July.
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How to Play:
- Every Answer is a percent. Every guess needs a bet. Ante up until someone calls "Doubt It!"
- Start with 100 points per player and aim to have the most left when any player reaches 0.
- Each turn starts by one player answering a FUN or FACT question and wagering how many points they'll risk losing if they guess too high.
- The question is then passed to a new player, who either calls "Doubt It!" thinking the previous player guessed too high, or they continue the round by either:
- Raising the points risked,
- Raising the percentage guessed, or
- Raising both.
- The answer is revealed once someone calls "Doubt It!"
- If the guesser guessed too high then they lose the points wagered.
- If the guesser guessed lower or equal to the answer, then the "Doubt It!" caller loses the points wagered.
- (FUN questions based on a 'yes/no' survey of 100 online U.S. adults. FACT questions have objectively true answers.)
(C) Rook & Board Games LLC, 2024
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